Human foosball (I88)


Quick Overview

Human foosball is an exciting and interactive game that brings the classic tabletop game to life. Players are strapped into a giant inflatable arena and must work together to score goals using only their feet.

 With a minimum of six players required, human foosball is a perfect team-building activity for corporate events, school outings, and community gatherings and can be easily set up indoors or outdoors. Human foosball is a fun and challenging way to get active and build teamwork skills.

Human foosball (I88)

5 players on each team are strapped to the poles to play fooseball. This game is real challenging and can change at anytime. Fun and excitement for this team building game.

If you’ve never heard of or seen a match of human foosball, chances are that you will soon. Nobody’s quite sure when it started, but after a video of some “foosballers” went viral a few years ago, the game has since exploded.

This game is very fun for competitive team-oriented competition.


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